Weekly Newsletter

Weekly Newsletter

In our today’s newsletter we would like give you an overview where to find the best information from and about INNOVATIS.


A good place to start from is our redesigned homepage – see http://www.innovatis-suisse.ch/


Here you can find an archive of our newsletters – see http://www.innovatis-suisse.ch/news/
If you prefer it in German you press our language button at the top right corner or click this shortcut:
(Wenn Sie Informationen lieber auf deutsch lesen möchten, wechseln Sie mit dem Schalter oben rechts bitte die Sprache. Zur deutschen Übersetzung des Newsletter gelangen Sie hier:) http://www.innovatis-suisse.ch/de/nachrichten/


We have published several investment blogs on selected topics. For your convenience here is a list of direct links:






For an update on interesting events or articles, you can follow us on Facebook – see https://www.facebook.com/pages/Innovatis-Suisse-AG/1639123806329803


We welcome you to join us on LinkedIn – see https://www.linkedin.com/company/innovatis-suisse-ag


You can find our CEO Erwin Lasshofer on Twitter – see https://twitter.com/ELasshofer


Now we would like to invite you to send us your questions! What are the topics you want to read about?


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