Yield enhancement

Designed to address your unique requirements

INNOVATIS Yield Enhancement Products

Tailor-made products not available on the retail market

INNOVATIS Yield enhancement products are composed of attractive, often equity-linked underlyings selected by INNOVATIS. They provide the possibility of an early redemption in addition to attractive monthly conditional coupon payments.

These unique products in form of a bond booked into the portfolio are not available to the retail market.


Advantages at a glance


  • attractive underlyings selected by INNOVATIS
  • high monthly conditional coupon payments
  • high disagios at short maturities
  • additional attractive return in case of early redemption
  • daily liquidity
  • permanent monitoring

Key Features of INNOVATIS Yield Enhancement Products

  • Investors benefit from the experience and know how of senior asset managers working in the financial servicing sector for many years.


  • Receive a unique product in form of a bond booked into your portfolio.


  • Our well-developed strategy and the permanent monitoring of your product by the asset manager provides the possibility to benefit from upside and downside markets. This improves your performance and secures your investment.


  • Receive a strategy and product that is not available at the retail market.


  • Receive a proper monthly return that outperforms fixed income markets and balanced portfolio strategies.