Satisfied clients take center stage at INNOVATIS. Therefore we develop innovative financial products tailored to the specific needs of our clients. According to individual requirements, risk profile and ideas we use financial engineering and a wide network of issuers to create different product types with special features.
INNOVATIS Fixed Income solutions feature a superior risk-return profile combined with high standards in quality and security. We take advantage of the current market environment and transform market opinions into unique products.
INNOVATIS yield enhancement products are composed of attractive underlyings selected by INNOVATIS. They provide the possibility of an early redemption in addition to attractive monthly conditional coupon payments.
INNOVATIS Certificate provides diversified access to structured products made by INNOVATIS with small minimum investment.
INNOVATIS (Suisse) AG aims to generate constant returns by using a mixture of high quality structured products and fixed income instruments, therefore performance is mostly independent from the market development. Reasonable diversification within the portfolio provides higher safety.
INNOVATIS products with superior risk-return profile can be customized according to the clients’ requirements. Fine-tuning is possible in regards of Volatility, Maturity, Dividends and Correlation. In addition a lot of smart features are available for optimization of the product like autocall trigger, coupon barriers, different strike levels, coupon payments.
One of the central pillars of INNOVATIS’ business model as a One Stop Service Center is the direct cooperation with a vast network of issuers. In the dialogue with the issuers INNOVATIS is capable of not only finding the best price for the relevant product idea, but also the best possible payout profile for its clients. INNOVATIS takes care of the issuers’ quality not only in regard of the credit rating, but also in terms of liquidity in the secondary market, regularity and correctness of market to market quotation and the general After Sales Service. We extend the network of issuers all the time to ensure best execution policy