Erwin Lasshofer is an Austrian citizen, born in 1970. He is the President of the Board of INNOVATIS (Suisse) AG, Switzerland, which is a financial service company.
Erwin Lasshofer began his financial markets career as an area manager for a listed investment company in 1992. In 1994 he started his own independent company and focused on project financing, fund management and designing investment products through out Europe and Asia, for private as well as corporate investors. The activities range from strategic participation in projects, buying and selling of fixed income products as well as other secondary market products and managing regulated investment funds.
In 2011 he founded INNOVATIS (Suisse) AG. With this company Erwin Lasshofer created a business infrastructure that provides for each client’s needs tailor-made portfolios operating under a framework of internal and external controls.
Erwin Lasshofer has over twenty years of management experience including product development and strategic development in the investment industry – both across retail and institutional investors – which qualifies him ideally to supervise the investment team.