An interview with Erwin Lasshofer

An interview with Erwin Lasshofer

When INNOVATIS was established first?


Erwin Lasshofer: 2001 the first INNOVATIS company was founded in Hamburg with the legal form of a limited liability company under German Law (GmbH). During the following years several INNOVATIS entities were established. 2011 INNOVATIS (Suisse) AG was founded in Zurich realizing the idea of a ONE-STOP SERVICE CENTER. Now, at the beginning of 2015 we relocated our business place to Cham.



Q:  Is INNOVATIS (Suisse) AG a regulated company?


Erwin Lasshofer: Yes. INNOVATIS (Suisse) AG is regulated by PolyReg respective PolyAsset right from the beginning.



Q:  What services INNOVATIS (Suisse) AG offers?


Erwin Lasshofer: On the one hand INNOVATIS (Suisse) AG offers asset management and on the other hand we structure financial products tailored to the specific needs of our clients. Combining these two elements we are able to generate returns above average in the long run.



Q:  Who are INNOVATIS clients?


Erwin Lasshofer: INNOVATIS clients range from high-networth individuals to institutional clients. Geographically our clients are spread over all five continents.



Q:  What makes INNOVATIS unique?


Erwin Lasshofer: As already mentioned above, our core strength is the combination of structuring financial products and asset management. As ONE-STOP SERVICE CENTER we are able to cover the specific needs of each individual client. Active portfolio management ensures constant optimization: daily monitoring of the investments enables us to react on market changes nearly in real time by buying, selling or even restructuring. As we structure the financial products ourselves issued by one of our partner banks, we have not only an exclusive access to these products, but also a detailed documentation of the investment idea behind. This makes permanent monitoring easy and helps to make right decisions quickly.



Q:  What are the ambitions of INNOVATIS for 2015?


Erwin Lasshofer: We were already very successful in our core business fields and want to put our focus on transparency this year. Growing fast can result in neglecting the single client’s needs. We absolutely want to avoid this effect. We put our clients center stage and want them to be always well informed. INNOVATIS clients are not only provided with usual market reports. We want our clients to understand INNOVATIS philosophy, our mode of operating and process of decision-making.



Q:  How respectively where interested clients can get further information about INNOVATIS (Suisse) AG?


Erwin Lasshofer: We have several, very informative brochures that we are pleased to send upon request. You can contact us

via e-mail:,

by phone:    +41 44 215 30 60

and we are looking forward to assist you personally!



Q:  Mr. Erwin Lasshofer, thank you for this interview.


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